The Keto Success Podcast

The Keto Naysayers

November 20, 2022 Stephanie Wilson Episode 2

Let's talk a little bit about the keto naysayers. You know what I mean? Right. The keto doubters, the keto haters. The people who think if you are doing keto or living a keto lifestyle, You are fricking nuts. And it usually is followed by some sort of sentence, like, well, I could never give up carbs. I just love pasta too much. You know, the ones. I always find that so hilarious, because first of all, no one asked you to do it. And second of all. No one asked for your opinion or your judgements either. But there is always opinions out there and judgements out there around living a keto lifestyle and. It's on us. As ketoers to. Figure out how we're going to navigate those situations. And. To truly understand and trust and know in our own gut that we're doing the right thing for us regardless of what anybody else says This can be especially difficult. If it's someone really close to you. A friend, a family member, a partner. Who has a lot of negative opinions about your keto lifestyle or your health? So it really does take a lot of resolve. A lot of deep knowing. And a lot of clarity around. Why ketos meaningful for us and how it is going to help us to create the life we truly want for ourselves Some of the most prevalent. Quito naysayers that you might come across on your journey. I'd like to call the couch potato naysayers. Pun intended. These people are the ones who. Get their opinions from news headlines or Dr. Oz or. Really don't have a firm grasp or understanding on what keto even is. But they will tell you openly. That it's wrong for you and that you're harming your It's difficult to. Put a lot of merit behind these opinions because you know that they don't really know what they're talking about. But it doesn't change the fact that it's still going to give us that little pang inside. Because it's frustrating and it can be infuriating to have somebody who often is not the picture postcard of health. Trying to explain to us. What is healthy and unhealthy. The reality is. These people. Are often people who. Don't like the fact. That you're changing. Or that you're trying, or that you are putting yourself out there to become healthier. They don't like that. Because if you're doing that. If you're following this keto lifestyle, if you're starting to get results. If you are focusing on your health. You're essentially acting like a mirror. And holding that up to them. So that they now feel guilty about themselves. They feel bad about themselves. They think. I'm not doing any of these things. I'm not trying to better myself. So I'm going to make sure that you feel just as bad as I do in this moment. They often don't even give a shit. Whether ketos healthy or not. They just feel threatened by the fact that you're taking action. And moving towards goals and doing something healthy to better yourself. And it's reminding them that they don't have the courage to do that themselves. So they want to bring you down to their level and attacking a keto diet because that's what Dr. Oz said. Can I say Dr. Oz, I don't know. I'm sure. He's not going to listen to this. Just to remember that. When it comes to this type of keto naysayer. You will never be criticized by somebody doing more than They're too busy, focused on their own dreams and they know how hard. This journey can You will only. Be criticized by somebody doing less than you, someone who isn't working towards their goals and they're taking it out People may criticize your keto journey based on their own experiences, their personal preferences. And what they believe is good. You can't change that. And you don't need to live up to that either. It doesn't mean what you've created or that your choices are wrong. In fact it has nothing to do with you at all. You are just making them feel uncomfortable. You are acting as a reminder. That they're not taking action or control in their own lives. To be healthier, to better themselves to lose weight to whatever it is. And they don't like that. So they're just going to try to bring you down to their level. Any way they can. Because they want to feel safe. The next keto naysayer I was wanting to talk about is. The keto is a fad diet naysayer. Now, this is almost the exact opposite as the keto couch, potato naysayer, because. This one has knowledge. In the health industry, the fitness industry. They have their own concept and idea on what it means to be healthy. What healthy eating looks like. What a healthy life lifestyle is. And they believe that. If you're following. A keto lifestyle. A keto diet that. You're just doing it for a quick fix to lose some You've just hopped on the bandwagon. You've seen all the articles out there of people losing drastic weight, all these before and after photos. So they feel like. They are educating you. They feel like they are informing you. That this diet. Is just a fad that there's no possible way. That you can stick with it longterm This type of naysayer, the keto is a fad diet. Naysayer is all over social media. This is. The health coaches, the fitness influencers, all of the reels on Instagram, you've seen. Of people who. Will one day preach. Find what works best for you or you do you boo. Or eat in a way that makes you feel your best or find a way of eating that you can actually sustain. Or create a lifestyle, not just a diet. However, make sure it's not keto. Because then we're going to make fun of people who think you have to give up carbs to be healthy. And we're going to make fun of people who somehow think that keto is the answer. And that they're really just following this fad diet, which is totally unsustainable. Without actually ever doing it themselves trying it themselves or having a conversation with somebody who has properly lived a keto lifestyle To me, this is the most disappointing group of the naysayers because. For the most part, these people do have a background in fitness or health or. They understand. The journey and the challenges that people are up against. To become healthier or to lose weight. And yet here they are. Judging other people for doing what feels right to them or feels best for So no one really should be judged for whatever way of eating. They choose. If it makes them feel their best. But especially not from any sort of health or fitness professional And the final keto naysayer we're going to discuss is. The carb pusher. Now. This one at times can be the most obvious. But at other times can be the most sneaky. So the carb pusher could look like you're out with your friends and they really just want you to take one bite of this thing. Just one bite. It's one bite of dessert who cares. Or it could be your little old grandma and she doesn't understand nor does she really care. She just knows that you're no longer eating. Her apple pie. And she's really upset about that and she doesn't understand why. Suddenly something's changed. This keto naysayer. Is. Deeply rooted in food. Equaling love. That suddenly you might feel you're being a little rude to not. Consume certain foods that your loved ones have made. And they don't get that and they don't want to get it. All they see is that you're suddenly not eating this food that they lovingly prepared for you. So they're going to continue to try and push it on you. I mean, that's the obvious carb The sneaky carb pusher. Is likely even closer to you, perhaps a partner. A husband, a wife. And they're the ones who. Truly do know and understand. What keto is why you're doing it. They're probably pretty supportive of you. But they also. will try to push carbs on you. In moments of weakness and moments where we're low energy when our bandwidth is low. And they just want to order the Pizza Now you can't really blame them for this because. Your partner has probably seen you try to do diets in the past. But they didn't work for a reason. So we have to really. Show them in our actions that we are taking it seriously. This time that we're working hard to make changes that we're putting in effort to heal. And we're shifting our mindset to see the physical transformation. And oftentimes once we started adopting all of that, Our partners are often likely to join But we have to be the one to lead by example first and really set that boundary for ourselves so that they understand, and we understand. That when they're trying to push carbs on us we are going to politely decline because we have bigger goals that we're working towards that mean so much to. to us So how do we navigate situations with any and all of the keto naysayers we come across in our lives. The first thing we really need to do is be strong in our resolve. Have so much clarity around what your keto journey means to you. What it is providing you, how you feel, how you want to feel. Get extremely clear and hold on to that when you're in these moments. There's a bigger reason why you're doing this. Weight loss is often the bi-product. But all of the other reasons you're doing this to feel good to decrease inflammation, to. heal certain diseases to manage other ones. Those are important. Studies have shown that our food choices are directly linked to our social identity and our social settings and environments. So it is on us too. Com. Equipped with the language we want to use and the resolve we want to hold on to. During these moments because we can guarantee they're going to happen. So here are just a few quick tips on how to navigate these situations. First of all, no. Is a full sentence. However I like to say that. No, thank you. Is a lot nicer. You can simply say things like that. Food doesn't agree with me or I'm full. Thank you. And really, when you think about it, If you had something like celiac disease or IBS or an allergy, if you said no, thank you to certain foods. No one would question that. But the fact that you're doing it to improve your health. Just beyond an actual disease. That somehow is approached with wow she's really crazy We need to ditch any feelings of guilt You're being rude Surround yourself with people that support and encourage your goals. Now we're going to come across these naysayers in their life, but. But I hope that they're not going to be in your daily life. And if they are, you really, really need to seek out support from people who understand. There are many communities online that support a keto lifestyle on Instagram, on Facebook. Or you can seek out someone like myself that's a keto coach who can truly help you navigate through these situations and make you feel seen and heard and understood on every level It's important for us to remain calm. In these situations. You don't have to defend yourself. You don't have to explain yourself. You also don't have to convince others to try keto either. Sometimes we just get so excited that we've found a lifestyle that works for us. We're losing weight. It feels amazing. And we just want to like shout it from the rooftops to everyone that we know. Especially if we're meeting resistance from somebody, somebody else, and they are kind of being that naysayer in the back of our But. What we really need to understand is that we don't have to defend our choices to anybody. Uh, they're ours. They are ours to own, and they are important to us for our own reasons. We also don't have to explain ourselves to anyone. If you don't feel comfortable saying why you're doing this to someone else. You don't have to. And like I said, you don't have to convince them to try keto either. The best thing you can do. When faced with keto naysayer. Is be polite. Explain it, if they're willing to listen. But you don't have to, and you don't have to defend yourself.. Just keep making the choices for yourself. Keep moving forward. Keep taking action. Your actions speak louder than any words. And your results will speak volumes to these naysayers. You know, first they may laugh at you for doing keto. Then they may criticize a size. But later they may follow you. So just keep doing what you're doing because you never know. One day you may inspire. Those naysayers. To try keto for themselves