The Keto Success Podcast
A show dedicated to doing the deeper work on your keto journey, to discover the keys to your keto success.
The Keto Success Podcast
Reframing "sacrifice" on your keto weight loss journey
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when we think of the word diet, As in the keto diet, the ketogenic diet. Any diet really? It is almost synonymous with this idea of sacrifice. Giving things up. We love to eat and drink that tastes so good that have brought us comfort that have brought us joy that have entertained us. And when we're starting a keto weight loss journey, or getting back on track with one. Our behaviors around food. Often change before our thoughts do. It is much easier act your way into a new way of thinking. That it is to think your way into a new way of acting. But this can create a lot of internal anxiety and discomfort. As we sift through all the clutter of thoughts and emotions tied to the foods that we believe we suddenly need to view as bad or that we need to give up. In order to achieve our keto weight loss goals. But the truth is the language we use is so important. The words we tell ourselves in our minds and out loud. Impact how we interpret and interact with the world around us. So I came across a study published in 2018 in the applied psychology for health and wellbeing. And it looked at the idea of reframing in terms of the way a person thinks or feels about a weight loss attempt to enhance the experience and facilitate their success. So in this study, Participants had previously viewed their weight loss attempts as dieting and practice reframing to move away from this concept. The results found that participants were more successful at weight loss when they practiced reframing. As it removed this sense of deprivation and it allowed them to view their food choices as healthful. In addition the studies show that the use of language around dieting created this sense of. Uh, temporary effort. Whereas reframing it as a way of life or a new way of eating. Allowed the participants to continue using conscious control over their choices and energy. Without as much effort. So essentially those people who viewed their weight loss as being part of a diet. Brought up thoughts around deprivation, which actually created negative emotions that created more anxiety and actually encouraged a relapse. Whereas reframing their diet and weight loss as being healthy and creating a new way of life. Was less burdensome on the participants and they felt like they could truly maintain their efforts I just wanted That because. It's so powerful. How just reframing. Our current thoughts and feelings and beliefs. Around dieting around food, around what it takes to lose weight successfully and maintain Can really have a massive impact. So, how do we do this? First, we need to identify the thoughts and language we're already using. That is so deeply rooted in diet mentality. And replace them with new thoughts and language that actually serve us. Things like I'm not allowed to eat that, or I can't control myself around this certain food or. I need to restrict more, refrain, more, not give into temptation, not give into cravings. This can be tricky as we've been conditioned for years through diet culture. But we need to shine a big old light and bring awareness to create thoughts that actually reflect our reality and our values. It may be helpful. To carry a notepad or a journal, or you can even just use your phone to jot down what these thoughts are when they come up for you. If at any point during the day you feel negative, anxious, or guilty around food. Or your body. Take a step back. And ask what thoughts are fueling those feelings? And write those thoughts down. Once we've identified these thoughts, we can start to shift into practicing how to reframe them. The goal is to question. If that's actually true. And reframe it in a way that will serve you moving forward. Because our subconscious mind is extremely powerful. And these thoughts are so deeply rooted in us. That this is kind of where it could be helpful to have a coach. As they can help you sort through these thoughts and emotions and really separate fact from fiction. Sometimes, honestly, it's just so ingrained in us that we can't even see it clearly until somebody reflects it back to us or mirrors it back to us. So that's where working with a coach or having an accountability buddy. Can really help through this process, but. The reality is. No one knows you like you though, you. You're the expert of your own body. You've been there. You've dieted. You know how this goes? And your lived experiences can provide you with a wealth of knowledge and insight. So we've identified. What these thought patterns are. We've identified how that feels to us. So once we've done that, we really need to practice flipping the script and focus on the positives that living a keto lifestyle will give you. A simple way to bring our desires into focus is to write out everything we'll gain from our pursuit of being healthier. Living a keto lifestyle. The more clarity we have around our goals and our intentions, the more powerful they become. So write down exactly what will living a keto lifestyle. Give you. How will being healthier. Benefit How will that change your life? How will that impact how you feel about yourself? And why is that meaningful for you? This goes beyond just weight loss. Sure. Weight loss is kind of what we intend to get when we start a keto lifestyle or a keto diet. But dig deeper than that. What will change for you? And why is that important for you? Beyond just the weight loss write That down it's important to write this down and not just think it because. When we write something down, we are pulling something out of our minds, out of our hearts. And putting in front of ourselves in black and white. And bringing it into reality. And once it's sitting there right in front of you. It's really confronting and it becomes obvious and it really does help bring a lot of clarity around why this is meaningful for you and how this is truly going to serve you moving Forward So once we've identified the dieting words we use that are holding us back. And we've created clarity around why this transformation is meaningful for us. We can then start to reframe this idea of sacrifice. I'm doing air quotes. You can't see me, but sacrifice. Because isn't really a sacrifice at this point. If on the other side of it is everything you truly desire and want for yourself. Let's okay. Let's use this example. Let's use the example of pizza. I love pizza. You probably love pizza. Everyone loves pizza. So say I'm out at a restaurant and everyone around me. Orders pizza. And I order a chicken Caesar salad with no croutons, My brain could look at this as a sacrifice. Maybe my salad doesn't seem as exciting, or I feel like I'm missing out or. I tell myself and everyone at the table, I'm not allowed to eat that because I'm on keto. This automatically brings up negative emotions and it feels restrictive and it can genuinely feel like maybe I'll never eat pizza again. And we start spinning stories about what all that can mean. And we feel this like tightness in our chest or our gut because. It feels like this is just going to be so hard. And how am I ever going to actually be able to do this? But remember when I said earlier, this idea of identifying what is fact versus fiction. Let's use this pizza example to tease out the truth of the situation. So the thoughts that started spinning when I was sitting at the table with all my friends around me, ordering pizza, where. My salad. Isn't exciting. I feel like I'm missing out. And will i ever be able to eat pizza again i don't know i am totally freaking out So let's look at the facts here. Is my salad less exciting Personally, I think a chicken Caesar salad with no croutons is actually pretty delicious. Am I actually missing out. Well, not really. Because I'm still sitting here enjoying time, connecting with my friends, eating pizza, even change Am I really not allowed to eat that. Well, that's not true either because I'm a grown-ass adult and I could totally eat the pizza if I want to, but I'm choosing not to, because it goes against what I truly want for myself. So instead of focusing on what you're giving up in those moments, we need to reframe that to reflect what it is you're getting. Well, I get to eat something that is super tasty, truly nourishes my body and provides me with healthy fuel. I'll feel way better physically after the meal is over. And I can feel proud of myself for making choices that align with my goals and the keto lifestyle I'm creating for myself. Because this will allow for. A continuous conscious long-term effort. Versus being on a diet, which our brain already triggers us to think this is just going to be temporary. And that makes it so much harder. But just know this all takes practice. Our conditioned beliefs around what it means to be on a diet. And thus, we need to sacrifice in order to lose Is so hardwired within But if we can start to identify the diet language we're using. And shift that by practicing to reframe in those moments. By looking at what it is. We're truly getting in return instead. We can then make choices from an empowered place. We are no longer a martyr or playing the victim to a diet in those moments. And we could acknowledge what we're really getting instead. And how that will serve us, not only on our weight loss journey. But in becoming who we want to be throughout the process. And on the other side of it. So instead of focusing on sacrifice of what you're giving up. Let's shine, a light on the positives of what you're really getting out of living a keto lifestyle instead. I hope you found this helpful if you did, and you want to discuss more about this idea of reframing and sacrifice, I'd be happy to chat. My handle is linked up in the show notes and you can DME anytime. Thanks so much for listening and we'll see One